The Chosen Path. Tahirih of Persia and Her Search for God
In 19th century Persia, women were wretchedly oppressed. Left uneducated, confined to menial tasks, expected to obey the demands and whims of their husbands, offered almost no choices in life, even wealthy women were little better than slaves. But in this darkness, one woman stood out and stood up as a force of things to come.Tahirih of Qazvin, was an educated woman and gifted teacher of religion ...more

Tahirih: Forerunner of Womens Liberation in the East (Persian Edition)
A free-spirited harbinger of women's rights, Tahirih of Qazvin stood in the forefront of the one of the most powerful movements to emerge in Persia and the Near East during the 19th century-the Bábí Faith.
She was one of the earliest and most devoted followers of the Bab,whom Baha'u'llah chose to memorialize as "The Pure One".
'Tahirih:Forerunner of Women's Liberation in the East' tells her ...more

Precious Glimmers
The summary of highlights of significant events in the Bahá’í history of New York City is not meant to be a
complete review of the period. However, by including a variety of significant events in this collection, we
hope the reader will have an increasing appreciation for the many serendipitous happenings and inter-
connections of a handful of sincere seekers, whose dedication, systematic p ...more

Foreigner tells my story as an Iranian Baha’i immigrant to the United States in a series of moving and humorous episodes set against the backdrop of a changing Iran, the plight of Baha’is there, and the tumult and of the 60’s and 70’s in the U.S.
From the rough streets of the small Iranian town of Nayriz to the streets of Harlem in the tumultuous late ‘60s, I grew up among the persecu ...more

En 1850, Nayríz era una tranquila población agrícola de la provincia de Fárs (Irán). De día la mayoría de sus habitantes se ocupaban en las faenas agrícolas mientras que de noche amenizaban sus veladas en compañía de familiares y amigos a la luz de sus lámparas de queroseno. Llevaban una vida pacífica, pero la suya era una paz exangüe, carente de toda esperanza y en la que el futuro s ...more

L’Éveil est un récit détaillé qui ouvre les yeux du lecteur sur des persécutions brutales pour motif religieux et un examen critique de la question du fanatisme et de l’importance de la tolérance en matière de religion. L’ÉVEIL : HISTOIRE DE LA FOI BÁBÍE ET DE LA FOI BAHÁ’ÍE À NAYRÍZ est un récit qui s’inspire des persécutions brutales pour motif religieux infligées aux ...more