Precious Glimmers
The summary of highlights of significant events in the Bahá’í history of New York City is not meant to be a
complete review of the period. However, by including a variety of significant events in this collection, we
hope the reader will have an increasing appreciation for the many serendipitous happenings and inter-
connections of a handful of sincere seekers, whose dedication, systematic proclamations, persistence and
steadfastness to the Cause established the Bahá’í Faith in New York. How very fortunate they were to have
visited both the Master and the Guardian in Haifa, as well as to have had ‘Abdu’l-Bahá visit New York a
century ago. We have included highlights of historical markers to give cultural context.
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The summary of highlights of significant events in the Bahá’í history of New York City is not meant to be a complete review of the period. However, by including a variety of significant events in this collection, we hope the reader will have an increasing appreciation for the many serendipitous happenings and inter- connections of a handful of sincere seekers, whose dedication, systematic proclamations, persistence and steadfastness to the Cause established the Bahá’í Faith in New York. How very fortunate they were to have visited both the Master and the Guardian in Haifa, as well as to have had ‘Abdu’l-Bahá visit New York a century ago. We have included highlights of historical markers to give cultural context. Sent from my iPhone